What is the Stack Effect or Chimney Effect?
Most of us learned in kindergarten that hot air rises and that cool air sinks. This basic law of thermodynamics, convection, governs many...

A Look at Our Culture of Sustainability
Sustainability is at the core of our business model. Here's what we mean.

These Online Reviews Made Our Day!
Few things make us giddier than a stellar review from a customer. So giddy in fact, we'd like to share them with you! Here's what our...

Video: How Spray Foam Increases Structural Integrity
Thanks to its firming, closed structure, high-density spray foam insulation can actually increase structural integrity. Perfect for those Wy

Why Spring is the Best Time to Insulate Your Home
Ready to schedule your home insulation project? Here's why you should make it happen in spring.

How to Conduct a DIY Home Energy Audit
Energy is precious, and wasting it can really do a number on your wallet. Here's how to conduct a DIY home energy audit to identify your